ACTION Packed Ideas to spice up your day!
Need some ideas? Well, FINE! Here you go:
- Go up to a random coworker or a person on the street, kick them right in the ass, raise your fist in the air and yell "THAT'S FOR YESTERDAY, SQUAREPANTS!"
- Get pulled over by the police, say to the officer "fuck off, I'M BUSY!" and then turn around and pretend to make out with yourself!
Try any one of these crazy hobbies!
- File for a divorce... from yourself!
- Watch The Goonies... 10 TIMES IN A ROW!
- Go to a convention or tradeshow and be THIS GUY!
- Drink brandy until you are piss drunk, get all paranoid and angry about nothing, and then start emailing nastygrams your friends.
- Quit your job in a really dramatic fashion and storm out of the building. One hour later, go back inside and say "April Fools!" Don't worry that's it's not April. After all, FUCK APRIL. It's a sissy month. It's not a MAN'S month like February or September!
- Tell your empty iced coffee who's boss!